booch bus kombucha

out now!

Raw, Small Batch, Wild and Local Ingredients

-taste the difference-

I believe that kombucha is not just a beverage but a medicine with rich history with the ability to bring balance to your health and gut. I choose to keep my kombucha raw and naturally effervescent. Never injecting with CO2. This creates a smoother bite and more palatable brew. No more of that intense vinegar aftertaste.

Brewed in small 2 gallon vessels our kombucha is allowed to do what its designed to; Breathe. Kombucha that is brewed in a large mouth small vessel has less alcohol content and more of that good bacteria that we love.

I use fresh organic whole fruit and herbs into every brew. Never diluting with juice. 100% kombucha always. Utilizing Alaska’s landscape is so important to me. Myself and friends spend several weeks every summer foraging for wild plants to give you the handcrafted taste of Alaska. I love to support other local businesses by purchasing produce from local farmers and fair trade Alaskan tea shops when ever possible.

If you would like to see the full brewing and booch bus journey check us out on social media! @boochbusak